Financial freedom — at any income level

Build your rich and
meaningful life in 2024

The complete blueprint for designing and building your Rich and Meaningful Life and achieving financial freedom. My systems has been tested for over years 10 years, enabled me to become a multi-millionaire and have helped people around the world.

Once upon a time, you were poor

You worked hard, attempted to budget, and dreamed of a better life. Your life and financial future were confined to a paycheck and 2% savings account.

Today, the things are much different.

You can take control of your life, regardless of your current income level, and build a Rich and Meaningful Life on your own terms.

Yet, many people stumble along the way — lost in the maze of conflicting advice, complex strategies, and overwhelming information (gross).

For years, the path to financial freedom has been fragmented.

You've had to try and piece together a strategy that works from scattered bits of advice and random videos on the internet. It's confusing and overwhelming. There's no single trusted source you can turn to for a step-by-step process to follow. One that's rooted in reality vs. short-term gimmicks and "hacks" from people who haven't really done it.

No one has put it all under one roof — until now.

My new program, Money Blueprint is the result of over 10 years of expertise, proven methods, and actionable strategies.

Included is all the training and resources you need to reliably design a Rich and Meaningful Life and achieve true financial freedom that you deserve, regardless of your starting point or income level.

The freedom to do everything you want… and nothing you don’t.

Nobody is born knowing how money works

I grew up in a family that didn’t understand how money worked. My parents didn’t save or invest their money and lived with a lottery mindset, always thinking there was going to be some big win in the future.

We moved every 6 - 12 months growing up, in search of the next “big” opportunity.

This taught baby Corey a valuable lesson — YOUR Rich and Meaningful Life is something that's DESIGNED and BUILT with intention, not something you miraculously find one day.

Funny story...

When I had some money saved as a teenager I threw it into a stock called MMTIF because my Dad brought it up (I had no idea what the stock was) and needless to say, I lost it all.

Yeah, not fun. But it taught me that I needed to learn how money worked. I didn't want to be broke, in debt, and frustrated by money, like everyone around me. We all start out bad with money, it’s just that some people do something about it.

When I started to learn about money back in 2008, so much of what I read was telling me what I SHOULDN’T do with my money...

MORE, not less

I want to enjoy my money and my life NOW. Not in 60 years which I might not even live to see.

Being in control of your money shouldn’t mean tracking every penny, worrying about a $7 Starbucks or cutting back on everything that brings you joy.

I don't know about you, but I want MORE, not less. I don't want to be shamed about what I should and shouldn’t be doing.

I want to use my money to BUILD a Rich and Meaningful Life —this is the kind of personal finance I care about. Using YOUR MONEY to build YOU Rich and Meaningful Life.


Maybe your rich and meaningful life is...

Extend your vacation by a few days "just because"

All-inclusive resorts with your favorite people

Grocery shopping without worrying about prices

Buying new shoes each month

Saving like crazy and retiring a decade early

Traveling the country in an RV

Having the freedom to be more generous (time, tips, gifts)

Traveling to a new country each year

Buying that dream home you've always wanted

Being debt-free (once and for all)

It's your choice. Your Rich and Meaningful Life should be tailored to YOU.

Your Rich and Meaningful Life probably wouldn't make sense to me and that's the point! It's based on what YOU VALUE.

As an example, I LOVE simplicity and convenience. There's not much that makes me happier than optimizing and simplifying my life so that I can do the things I love — working on my business, creative work like content and design, and of course, sleeping in as long as I want :)

That's the kind of personal finance I care about

Using YOUR MONEY to build YOUR Rich and Meaningful Life.

But how do you actually DO that? It's like having a bunch of puzzle pieces — how do you put them all together when it comes to money? And change your psychology to actually feeling CONFIDENT and in CONTROL of your money?

I spent years reading books, watching everything I could find. Learning everything I could about how money worked.

I developed, tested, and refined my own philosophy on money that's built on a small number of simple but LIFE-CHANGING concepts.


The complete blueprint for designing and building your Rich and Meaningful Life and achieving financial freedom. My systems has been tested for over years 10 years, enabled me to become a multi-millionaire and have helped people around the world.


In this program, I'll help you...



Fix and overcome the problems and challenges your face around money — once and for all! No more worrying and stressing.



Gain clarity on what you value, design your Rich and Meaningful Life and understand exactly what you need to do to make it happen — no more guessing or asking "what should I do".



Create your "Rich and Meaningful System" to automate your investments, savings, and bills — to make life enjoyable and put you in a position of control.



Your Rich and Meaningful Life is meant to be enjoyed — guilt-free! Gain the freedom to do everything you want… and nothing you don’t.

Life-changing concepts you will learn

Straightforward, “hype-free” training and coaching to help you live a Rich and Meaningful Life.


Design your rich and meaningful life

An Average Life vs a Rich and Meaningful Life — do you know the difference? (most people don't). We dive into fun activities and exercises to design and build YOUR unique, mouth-watering, Rich and Meaningful Life. You'll learn what a meaningful life looks like for you while learning how to dream big and break out of mental ruts.


Overcome beliefs and habits that keep you poor

Each of us grew up with different families, backgrounds, and beliefs. A long the way we developed self-sabotaging beliefs around life and money. We dive deep into the invisible beliefs that are holding you back from truly living a Rich and Meaningful Life so you begin can where you are NOW… making the system work no matter how much money you have.


Design your environment for success

You've probably heard the term "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" or "you're the average of the five people you spend the most time with". Great... but what can you do about? You'll learn how to design and build an environment that truly enables you to succeed in all areas of your life. Achieving what we want is MUCH EASIER when we set ourselves up in the right environment — and you'll learn exactly how to do this.


Opportunity vehicles and your life master plan

Having a job vs purpose-driven career (do you know the difference)? We'll identify your ideal opportunity vehicle that gets you excited beyond belief and craft a master plan for your life. Gain clarity on the path that aligns with your skills, passions, and vision of your Rich and Meaningful Life. Learn how to leverage your talents, expand your income, and build a career or business that fuels your Rich and Meaningful Life — and turn your aspirations into reality.


Automating your life and money systems

Life has too many small and meaningless decisions that clog up our mind and honestly, just make things more complicated than they need to be. Learn how to set everything up so your Rich and Meaningful Life runs on auto-pilot. Irregular income? Not a problem. I'll show you how to automate this and build systems so every bill gets paid in full, on time, every time.


Investing in your long term financial success

Learn how to set up your retirement savings and investing, even if you find investing scary. I'll walk through what you need and point out everything you can ignore. You'll learn my set-it-and-forget-it investing strategy that I've used to outperform most "financial advisors".


Managing your rich and meaningful life

Discover how to manage your money and life in 1 hour a month (or less) and get insights into exactly how my wife and I manage our Rich and Meaningful Life while doing everything we want, and nothing we don't.

Advice from someone you can trust

When I first started learning about money, I would have LOVED for someone to sit me down and show me exactly what to do.

Someone who could point out a win as well as steer me away from big mistakes.

Someone interested in the big picture — a Rich and Meaningful Life — and not just frugality, portfolios or boring spreadsheets.

Jan 13, 2024, 4:17 AM
Update: the programs inspired me so much that by the end of the 2nd one, I quit my job, declined a very tempting offer from my previous employer who wanted to keep me in the company, raised my game, dared to aim high and got a high paying job at a SaaS startup working with amazing people. I know we did a “thank you” but saying it again now - thanks you so much for the inspiration.

Implementing these systems has been the best thing I ever done in my life so far.
Andreas3:15 PM
Before taking this I did not understand how much cash I was spending on things and realized I needed to figure this out.

I didn’t realize how restrictive my mindset and way of thinking was at the time but I got so much support and knowledge over the past few week. I was so stressed that I couldn’t think correctly. I’m stoked on how this is going to help not only my life but business moving forward. Thanks!
2:24 PM
After finishing I feel so proud, knowing that I have the tools in place to move forward in a way that is intentional and value-based.

I no longer need to second guess where my money is going, and this allows me to be fully present and immersed in what I am doing, such as working, or spending time with my family. 

I would highly recommend this to anyone who is struggling to create or keep a budget, and is not really sure what direction they want to take in life.

And if you already have an amazing budget and plan, this can still be valuable to you, by exploring tools and strategies that you may not already be aware of.

Many many thanks to the wonderful individuals who put this together, presented it, and made it available for myself and others to benefit from it. I am truly grateful!
Imagine I had a friend like you a year ago, I would already be a millionaire by now. Thank you so much Corey!! I’ll text you once I’m done. You made me more happy in 1 hour than people I’ve spent months working with spending crazy amounts of money!
10:38 PM
Giorgos10:46 AM
Needless to say, I WAS NOT disappointed.

From now on I know exactly how to manage my money. The intense knowledge and overview gives me a clear view of my finance that I always needed, and nothing gets out of hand anymore.

I can’t wait to apply these tools and knowledge with my upcoming business and I can’t wait for your next course. I’ve completely shifted my mindset around money and business. I feel much more positive and empowered.
Jan 16, 2024, 3:27 PM
If you’re running any programs or doing sessions for personal finance, I’m 10000% interested. Let me know, thanks for your content!!!
Thank you so much for this. You hit on all the questions I've had stuck in my head and opened my mind to things I wasn't even thinking about!

Everything you mentioned makes complete sense and I was really influenced to make some positive changes in my life that I'm excited about.
12:03 PM

With Money Blueprint you get all of this!

PLUS, as a member, get access to ALL future content that I add.

People have been asking me for financial coaching for years and I’m excited to finally be able to provide it.

By using the RIGHT SYSTEM and you can start living YOUR Rich and Meaningful Life, just like so many of my other students…

From $80k in debt to debt-free and living his rich and meaningful life!

Pouya was $80k in debt and at a crossroad with his business which was barely keeping a roof over his head. He wanted MORE in life but felt paralyzed by debt with zero understanding of how to fix his situation and build the life he TRULY wanted.

Through my program Pouya was able to become DEBT-FREE, increase his income from a couple thousand dollars a month to a 6-figure income and build his Rich and Meaningful Life!

“When I first met Corey I was unemployed with $80k in debt. Today I'm debt free, earning 6-figures, living by the beach and working for myself!”

Pouya Iranitalab

From "I don't know" to having the clarity and confidence to build her rich and meaningful life!

Despina was struggling to understand her next steps in life and get her money under control. Through my program she was able to gain clarity on what she valued in life, gain the confidence needed to take the next steps and implement powerful money systems to take control of her life and money!

“Thank you so much! I was able to land a high paying job at an amazing company and get in control of my money! You have no idea how much I appreciate this!”

Despina Loannidi

Ask yourself...

"How would you feel about never seeing that awful 'low balance' alert ever again?"

How empowering would it be to design your own Rich and Meaningful Life AND know EXACTLY when you can achieve it?

How amazing would it be to plan your dream vacation every single year?

How would it feel to stop being jealous when you see other people's lives on social media because you're living YOUR BEST LIFE!

What does your Rich and Meaningful Life look like?

Here's a look at mine :)

Tested for over 10 years

I’ve tested my systems for over 10 years, became a multi-millionaire because them, and helped people all over the world, so I know it works.


Money Blueprint Works...

…even if you don’t know anything about money or investing.

…even if you have no idea where to start.

…even if you don’t make “a lot of money”.

…even if this is your 100th time trying to get your money in order.

…even if you’re single, in a relationship, with kids, without kids, just starting out, or well on your way.

I've taken people from around the world through Money Blueprint and I can CONFIDENTLY say that the universal principals, strategies, and systems you'll learn and implement will continue to have positive impact throughout your entire life.

Frequently asked questions

You can set up your system over a weekend. The exact time required depends on how deep you want to go on your rich and meaningful life vision as well as how familiar you are with your current finances.

Once your system is up and running, you can maintain it (and manage your money) in just 1 hour a month — or less.

By the end of the program you'll have the systems and automations in place to have your money run on auto-pilot.

Yes, this program will work for anyone in the world. While I reference specific investments from the US, Canada, and the UK, the frameworks can be easily adapted to other countries. Plus, these principles are universal.

Both. It works for individuals and couples.

You could go the financial planner route, but it'll cost you big time. These guys love to brag about their low fees, but don't let that fool you.

Over a 35-year span, a tiny 1% fee can eat up a whopping 28% of your total returns.

Let's say you're putting away $100 a month for 35 years and paying that 1% fee. Guess what? You're saying goodbye to over $35,700 that should've been yours. Ouch!

And here's the kicker: most actively managed funds can't even keep up with the market. So, why shell out crazy fees when you can do better on your own, and for less?

That's where my Rich Life System comes in. I'll show you how to set up automated, low-risk, low-fee investments that you can just set and forget. And the best part? You'll be outperforming most financial advisors in both the short and long game.

Trust me, you've got this. Ditch the expensive planners and take control of your financial future. It's easier than you think, and your bank account will thank you later.

Yes! It doesn't matter what your current income level is or if you have consistent income or irregular income.

Freedom to
do what you want.

Freedom to
put what you value first.

Build your rich and meaningful life today

Money Blueprint delivers a complete blueprint for designing and building your Rich and Meaningful Life and achieving financial freedom.